Midday on a slow tuesday, so I’m out front by myself. Wannabe gangster looking guy with fake Gucci sunglasses (we’re inside a mall) strolls up alongside his trashy gf. She’s got a purse strewn with fake diamonds all over it. They ask for a tea sample. Sure, no problem. So I step 2 feet to the right where we all can see each other IN PLAIN VIEW. In the corner of my eye, I see this woman straight up reaching for the $2 in my tip jar. You heard that right folks, TWO WHOLE DOLLARS. I look over at her and her eyes go wide. I’m looking at this woman straight into her soul. What’s crazy is that she just keeps pulling the money out, reeeeealll slow, as if I’m not looking straight at her. In disbelief, I tell her “you’re putting that back”, and she does. They then proceed to order a black coffee like nothing ever happened lol. I served it to em.
- anonymous \ san francisco, ca
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